Why Do We Travel?
As I have learned through experience, having travelled around the world many times over, there is very little glamorous about travelling. And yet, we keep doing it. The question I ask myself is, why?
A Bridge Too Far …
This is story of the most dangerous photograph I have ever taken. I didn’t plan for it to be so dangerous photograph but I made the mistake of ignoring the little voice of reason inside my head, and pretty soon everything was going downhill, in more ways than one.
Never Forgotten
September 11, 2001, was meant to be just another day in the office for Milton G. Bustillo as he made his way to his office on the 103rd floor of World Trade Center's North Tower. And then the planes hit, and the world changed forever.
Facing my Fears
As I stood at the mountain base, contemplating the climb, Pieter Both mountain formed an imposing sight. With its sharp vertical drops below and sheer cliff face above, the summit's climb is as much a mental challenge as physical.
Stepping Out
Over the years, certain photographs I have captured have come to speak to me. These are necessarily the prettiest of images or the most technically correct. Some aren't even that special, as far as a photograph goes, yet they still stand out in my mind. This is one of those photographs.