Thoughts, Natural World Paul Choy Thoughts, Natural World Paul Choy

Every Drop Counts

Water has been an essential commodity for as long as humanity has existed. So critical is water to all life that wars have been fought over its supply for millennia. And yet, much of the world still takes water for granted, even in the face of a global warming crisis.

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Thoughts Paul Choy Thoughts Paul Choy

Lost Possibilities?

This isn’t the most famous door in the world, despite what you might have thought at first glance. Despite living in possibly the safest era in history, the door you are thinking of lies behind layers of iron gates, surveillance cameras, and armed police officers. The question is, why?

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Bearing Witness, Thoughts Paul Choy Bearing Witness, Thoughts Paul Choy

Through the Eyes of a Child

In our so-called advanced world of shopping malls and online stores packed to the brim with mass-produced "stuff" manufactured in power-guzzling, environment-polluting factories for those with the wealth to buy them, has consumerism spiralled out of control? When did the things we enjoy become things we buy rather than make?

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Bearing Witness, Thoughts Paul Choy Bearing Witness, Thoughts Paul Choy

Medicine for the Soul

For centuries, millennia even, people have gathered around a single focal point to share stories, sing, chant, make music and celebrate their communities. And yet, as the wheels of time have turned, these ancient practices have faded from memory as digital screens have become our new focal point.

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Thoughts Paul Choy Thoughts Paul Choy

Embracing Simplicity

Ours is a complicated world, so much so that sometimes we see complication even where it doesn't exist. But it was a chance encounter with a fisherman in Madagascar which left me wondering what solutions might be hiding in plain sight if we open our eyes to them.

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Thoughts Paul Choy Thoughts Paul Choy

Worth A Thousand Words

This photograph, captured in 2013, will always be special to me. It was the first of my photographs to receive a thousand likes on social media, but more than that, it taught me how powerful a photograph could be.

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Thoughts Paul Choy Thoughts Paul Choy

The Spirit of Football

Money and sport have always been uncomfortable teammates, but in the end, it has always felt like sport came first. But this World Cup feels different. Does the 2022 World Cup mark the moment when money takes the lead and sport is left to follow after?

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Thoughts Paul Choy Thoughts Paul Choy

A Box of Memories

Do you remember photographs? I mean real photographs — the kind you hold in your hand, not view on your phone. For those who are too young to remember (or those of you who are old enough but want to enjoy a walk down memory lane), let me share with you what is was like to capture moments on film rather than on a sensor.

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Thoughts Paul Choy Thoughts Paul Choy

Is Photography Dead?

If what we read on the Internet is to be believed (and who doesn't believe everything they read on the Internet?), photography is dying before our eyes. But is it, or are we simply entering a new phase of the creative age?

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Thoughts Paul Choy Thoughts Paul Choy

The Fight

The two children circled cautiously for a few moments, each unsure of the other, until suddenly, the smaller of the two punched the taller boy straight in the face and didn't stop punching until the job was done. Thai Boxing is not for the faint-hearted. But the real fight is not being fought on the mats; there is a far more significant challenge that all sports must soon face.

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Thoughts Paul Choy Thoughts Paul Choy

Why Do We Travel?

As I have learned through experience, having travelled around the world many times over, there is very little glamorous about travelling. And yet, we keep doing it. The question I ask myself is, why?

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Thoughts Paul Choy Thoughts Paul Choy

Never Forgotten

September 11, 2001, was meant to be just another day in the office for Milton G. Bustillo as he made his way to his office on the 103rd floor of World Trade Center's North Tower. And then the planes hit, and the world changed forever.

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Thoughts Paul Choy Thoughts Paul Choy

Stepping Out

Over the years, certain photographs I have captured have come to speak to me. These are necessarily the prettiest of images or the most technically correct. Some aren't even that special, as far as a photograph goes, yet they still stand out in my mind. This is one of those photographs.

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Thoughts Paul Choy Thoughts Paul Choy


We need to have a conversation about homelessness. All across the world, people hurry about their daily lives, hardly noticing as their fellow human beings prepare a bed of cardboard boxes and plastic sheets. The conversation we need to have is, why?

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