Never Forgotten

September 11, 2001, was meant to be just another day in the office for Milton G. Bustillo as he made his way to his office on the 103rd floor of World Trade Center's North Tower.

And then the planes hit, and the world changed forever.

I never knew Milton. Out of the thousands of names inscribed on the National September 11 Memorial in New York to commemorate the victims of the 9/11 attacks, his was simply the one I photographed on the day I visited. The events of that fateful have impacted so many lives; it is easy to lose sight of the individual stories of grief that have followed. History often remembers the events rather than the people.

And so, decades after the 9/11 attacks, I chose to remember Milton, someone I never met. He was a husband and father to two children, who made his living as a computer specialist. At just 37 years old, those who wished to corrupt the world by bringing terror to the innocent cut his life tragically short.

I chose to remember the people rather than the event because the world may have changed, but our humanity remains as strong as ever. We will not allow the world to be corrupted, nor will we forget the everyday people, like Milton, who are so often lost to History.

They are never forgotten.


A Bridge Too Far …


Facing my Fears