The Adventures of Little Mouse
The Adventure of Little Mouse books are a charming series of books for children, each featuring stories from the world of Little Mouse and his woodland friends. These books are offered free of charge, my gift to the children who read them.
The Adventures of Little Mouse begin with Little Mouse Was, the story of how Little Mouse learns all he needs to be happy is to be himself.
In Little Mouse Knew, the second book in the Adventures series, Little Mouse and his friends discover out how they can achieve more together than they can by themselves.
Little Mouse Should continues the adventure, as Little Mouse is reminded he should never leave for tomorrow, the things he could do today.
“There was once a little mouse who lived in a little hole. The little hole was in a little tree, and the little tree was in a little wood …”
“… Little Mouse watched as giddy Goat tripped over exhausted Rabbit, who was still lying in the grass catching his breath.”
“… Summer was always such wonderful time in the little wood. The sun would shine brightly in the sky, bringing warmth and light to everything below.”